"The Growl"

“The Growl"

2014 Acrylic on wood 5.5"x7.5"

In days past, I skinned roadkill a ritual to connect deeper with the natural world, which catalyzed some very powerful changes in myself. But what began as a spiritual practice eventually devolved into a habit, a routine, which ended when I skinned a snake, and, in my opinion, disrespected it's skinned body.

In an effort to ameliorate the situation, my partner at the time, Sarah, and I hiked out into the heart of the redwood forest on a moonless night to burn the body - a ceremony we had consecrated with the ingestion of certain mushrooms fr
Original sketch for "The Growl"
first layers, using white to drawn the form
first layers of color glazes
Skip To Merch
almost there...

