"Mighty Pan"

“Mighty Pan ” <3<3<3

2019 Acrylic on wood 16”x20” ~ collection of the artist

A year ago today my cat Pandora passed on to whatever happens next. She passed laying on my chest, looking into my loving eyes on summer solstice; I always called her my solar kitty, so this made sense in a very special way. She was my studio cat extraordinaire, always on my lap while I worked, purring and rolling about cozily. She was a huge inspiration and joy every day and I will hold her forever in my heart.
Pandora inspired my first painting ever, pictured in my gallery “Pandora’s box.

She came from
bossest cat ever
I always thought she was a Pleieadean in disguise
Her golden paw print, signing the image, I started this painting the night she passed away, I finished the wood so she could "sign it before I buried her under goji berry plants she would chill under while on earth.

